Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Second Deer River Senior

This young lady goes to Deer River High School and lives just about 10 miles from my home! I drive by her house everyday going to work but had never met her....very nice young lady. She really liked the pictures of the girl from Big Falls and wanted to take hers there, so we made the trek on a Sunday afternoon. I'm not even finished proofing Goozie's yet, but wanted to post a few of hers so she could get a peek...will have to get back to Goozie's before I can finish hers though.


A senior guy from Deer River whose family we have known since he was a little boy...also in the Lord's Army Youth Group with Shelby...I just starting proofing so I pulled a few that I liked so far....lots to proof yet. Here's Goozie...(nickname of course)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Bemidji Senior Guy

This young man was rescheduled from the week before and his mom and I had talked a few times about where to shoot, etc. We were dealing with pretty bright sun and no clouds so that made it a little difficult for me, but I believe we still got what we were going for! He definately wanted some shots in his suit and I really think those shots turned out to be some of my favorites! I really liked his new Sean Jean glasses as they went well with everything he are just a few as I only had time to go through and pick out a few that caught my eye right away.

I will try and finish proofing them tomorrow and Monday, but have a few more tasks before I can get to him :(

He was such a nice young man and seemed very happy with how his session went...I showed him a few on my camera and after he saw them, he was ready for more! Here are a few of Sam....

AC from Bemidji

Yet another senior girl from Bemidji...loved her hair and very pretty the middle of proofing but wanted to put a few up of her so she would have something to look at!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Call Soon to Book Session

SENIORS! If you are contemplating booking a session you need to call soon as dates are filling up and your yearbook deadlines will be right around the corner....don't wait until the last minute to book as the weather may force us to reschedule, and that pushes your session even further...

CALL SOON.....218-659-4383 or 218-556-6896 (cell)